Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the road back to tokyo

so on the way back up i...

returned to kyoto to kick it with these guys at the local izakaya (johannes, the izakaya manager and taro)...

johannes, taro & izakaya manager
Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

visited kobe and ate korean bbq in koreatown in osaka with the tsuzukis, keiko-san and akira-san, my kaizuka host parents from back in middle school...

ready to eat Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

crashed my aunt's mah jong party...

DSCF1439 Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

went with my host sister ikue to the yokohama ramen museum (and theme park) for hokkaido style ramen (miso, butter chives... mmm)...

DSCF1452 Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

enjoyed keiko's fried chicken with her friends, noriko and hisae...

keiko and cool friends Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

along with, uh.. these guys..
(jack, clinton, leslie, lauren and your local mix of rockabillies)

IMG_1971.JPG Originally uploaded by jackjinlio

and embarked on random adventures with tammy in tokyo. a good companion even though she hums the japanese national anthem in her sleep. just kidding. gentlemen, any takers...?

tammy and me Originally uploaded by s_ritoper

tokyo, no goodbyes yet... i'll be back for more soon.

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